Boy in Tire Swing Holds a Cow by Its Halter. , None. [Between 1925 and 1930] Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2011648512/.
Let me begin by offering you my sincere thanks for giving this blog your time and attention, both of which are limited in supply for each one of us. I am genuinely appreciative that you would willingly devote both as you read through my posts; I will do my best not to waste either. While I am fully aware that not every post will resonate with you, I am confident that many will contribute to your efforts in cultivating multigenerational wealth for yourself and those around you.
Why blog?
My first intention behind creating this blog is to document for my children what I and others have learned and found to be useful (as well as unhelpful) when trying to cultivate multigenerational wealth in our lives and the lives of others. Although many of the topics addressed in this blog are beyond the interests of all four of my pre-teen children at the moment, some of the topics have relevance to them now and the related posts can offer my family and yours a place to begin a conversation. For those topics that have yet to come up in conversation, I am writing out some insights and thoughts on various topics that can be found within the broad scope of this blog so that I am a bit better prepared for future conversations with my children. In the meantime, I am sharing these insights and thoughts on cultivating multigenerational wealth with you in hopes that they will be of benefit to you as well.
My second intention prompting the creation of this blog is to show and express my appreciation and gratitude for those that have helped, continue to, and/or will help me cultivate multigenerational wealth for myself, my family, and others. Cultivating wealth cannot be done alone; it must be done with the help of others. Sometimes those individuals helping us are present in our daily lives such as family members, friends, work colleagues, teachers, spiritual leaders, and shopkeepers. At other times those supportive individuals are authors, artists, farmers, public servants, people long dead, and persons yet to be born that we may never get the privilege of meeting in our lifetime. By sharing with you through this blog the wisdom, joy, and help I have received from others while cultivating multigenerational wealth, I ensuring that what others have contributed to making my life and the lives of others at bit better is not forgotten and will continue to yield dividends for generations to come.
My last intention for establishing this blog is out of a sense of responsibility that I feel I have for contributing to the well-being of others like you. In part, this feeling stems my upbringing, professional experiences, beliefs, and my wife and children, but recently this feeling has become more intense as a result of a series of foreseen and unforeseen back-to-back hardships in recent years that my family and others I know were able to endure. I recognize that not everyone is so fortunate to be able to work through their hardships, however, the full costs to endure some hardships are not ones I want my children or you to have to always pay. By no means am I advocating that there should be no struggles in life; there is great value and meaning in life that can be derived from our struggles. I share the posts in this blog because I want to help you cultivate your own wealth across multiple generations so that when you encounter hardships, you can endure their costs without unnecessarily sacrificing your well-being or the well-being of those around you.
From me, for you
Wealth comes in many forms, many of which will be addressed throughout this blog. In each post I will do my best to share with you the wealth I have to give to you – the bit of knowledge I have about cultivating multigenerational wealth. My hope is that you will be able to use this knowledge so that you can enhance wealth in your life and in the lives of those you care about. Feel free to take what you will from this blog as often as you like as you. In the meantime, thank you again for giving some of your time and attention to this blog and I wish you all the best in the future.
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